Friday, June 09, 2017

Field trip to the Zoo and Nature Playground!

On Wednesday, June 7th, we went to the Assiniboine Park Zoo and Nature Playground. It was just the most perfect day! Our guide, Bran, for the Journey to Churchill exhibit was amazing!

Here is Carson's write-up from his Kidblog account. Then, be sure to watch the video!

Today we got to go on a field trip to the........ZOO!!! (Well I guess you know but whatever) and it was a blast, we spent most of time at the new journey to Churchill and we got the see other animals on the way their at the start. 
First we went on the bus though downtown and to the zoo, when we got there we went out and went to the bathroom ( but you do not know that) Then we started our journey at 10:30 and are leader was bran, he was so funny at first but then we got to the reindeer he said all of them were girls then yelled "girl power" at that probably hurt all the boys in the inside but he was still a great leader. 
Then we finally got to the Churchill exhibit ( after a lot of talking) First we saw the snowy owls and bran told us they can turn their heads 270 degrees, that's so cool everyone said they already knew that but I did not. Then we saw some artic fox's and then we got to see the thing that I was most excited about, the......... polar bears!!!!! They were so big and we went I a tunnel and over top and beside where the polar bears were and they keep on kicking off a rock to get lots of speed and flip over, then out of nowhere we saw some seals, they were swimming upside down then turned down right before they would hit the wall. After we saw some other animals that I do not know their names but then we got to go to the toucan ridge that's where we saw the red pandas and all the other bird and other stuff that are slow like sloths and yeah.   
The park part,
After we got to the park we all eat are lunch then we got to play. Most of us kids played mantracker and the first time I was it so I didn't know where you can go and where you cant go so yeah, the next time I hid in the forest with Carter R then we found Corbin and Carter W, we made signals and it was so fun their.
That's all I can tell you about the field trip. BYE

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