Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Science Design Project: weather vane

In the past few days for science we have been doing a project. The project is called a weather vane. A weather vane is something that tells what way the wind is going. The directions are south, north, east and west. The materials we had to use are: a wooden dowel, one meter of masking tape, plasticine, four straight pins, a ruler, four straws, manila tag paper scissors, markers and a pencil.

This project had to follow this criteria:
- The weather vane indicates four cardinal wind directions
- Must be able to withstand two different wind speeds
- Uses only the materials provided
- Design should promote the skydiving company
- The logbook should be neat and have all questions completed

One of the projects that a group built was a thing where there is an arrow in the middle of the wooden dowel and that’s the main part of the weather vane. We had to make up a name at every table group and the name of the table group we just talked about is called Wind Storm. Another table group named theirs was named The Air Traffic Control 500.

We give this project a 5/5 in stars. We say its five out of five because it was easy to work in a group of four and five people.

By: Dobie and Leif


adam said...

its the "aircrafter 5 000"
not the air traffic control 5000

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms.wasney
i loved the video

Anonymous said...

i loved this science design projet it was fun working together.

Anonymous said...

that looked so fun! tobad i miss it. by jason

Anonymous said...

That was super fun making the weather vane. By Brett