Friday, February 15, 2013


 This week at school we had our ‘R’ Chart celebration on Monday. We wanted to watch Hotel Transelvania and it said ‘G’ on the back. We found out before the movie when it does the new releases that is was ‘PG’ L. Then we were going to watch Hop but then it said its was ALSO ‘PG’ LL. We could’ve watched Nemo, The Increadables or Ratatouie. We ended up watching Finding Nemo. All the girls wanted to watch Nemo and most of the boys wanted to watch the Increadables.

Every one in the school got to go to Ms. Wasneys sister Leah’s photo booth. It took 4 shots at a time. Every 3 seconds It would take a photo. 3 seconds is pretty fast so sometimes you would mess up. You had to make and I heart 2 read (hold up a book) sign. For I you point at your eye, for heart you would make a heart with your hands, for 2 you had to stick up two fingers and for read you had to pretend to read a book. There was a background. It was a bunch of hearts. It was SO cool.

On Thursday we had a Valentines day party! We handed out our cards and ate the candy on period 6. We played stuff at period 8. We had Gym and Choir on 5 and 7.

Michael, Nick, and Jack
getting ready to fly down
the hill!
We went to Festival du Voyageur today JJJJJJJJ! We went with 5T, 6K and 6D. My group was with Jack, Michael, Amanda, Lindsay, Carly and Maddy.  We did the toboggans. It was like a mini waterslide but it was with snow! It was so fast! We also did a slide out of frozen snow. Michael said he felt like he broke is toe on it. We also did a sleigh ride.

In science we started our design project with a partner. It is where you have to make a track and the marble stops. My group is Ty and Nat.

In gym we curled with brooms (finally)! My team was black. I scored the game-winning point JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ! We also did snowshoeing. It was hard.
Jack at the cup stacking

The 5+6’s did a cup stacking tournament. Jack was the fastest 5er because he was the only grade 5. Nick P won the tournament and got a gold cup.

We did a longest line art. We had to make a line that is curvy and stuff then make hearts and colour the hearts in.  The same colours could not touch.

We had a reading comprehension test. We had to read a story then write down what happended. The story was about a baby girl who was really sick.

We are doing a Social Studies research project. I’m doing Jacques Carier. Michael is too.

The S.P.I.N. club’s buttons SOLD OUTJJJJJJJJJJJJJ! we raised $608.70 for a village in Nicaraqua to help a village!

By Nick M


Jack said...

nice twas nicky

Me (nick m) said...

yay me my twas is awesome!


Michael said...

That was a awesome TWAS Nick!

Lins said...

AWESOME twas this week nick!

Ryan.S said...

Good T.W.A.S Nick.M!

:) :) :) :) :) :)