Thursday, February 07, 2013

Pourquoi Tale

Here is Zach with his moose mask and
Ryan with his lynx mask.
We all wrote are own version and we voted to see which one we would present or do. We decided to do “Why does the owl stay up at night?”. The three narrators were Nick M, Jack, and Nathaniel. And the main character in the story was owl. Owl had a nightmare and she didn’t want to sleep because she kept having nightmares. Then her friends told her to sleep in the day and stay up at night to hunt for food. So she decided to stay up at night.
One afternoon we made our masks. For my lynx mask, I used some fabric and one egg carton and the ears were made out of paper bags and I put some orange marbles for the eyes. For Zach’s moose mask, he used some pastels and cardboard. All the masks turned out so great!
On Tuesday we presented our story to classes. We watched other classes stories. We saw Mrs. Kohuts, Ms. Mitchells Mrs. Henrys and Mrs. Tressors classes. Mrs. Tressors class made interesting masks and Ms. Michells class had a really long story. And Mrs. Kohuts class was a cool presentation I thought. And Mrs. Henrys class had a really cool presentation. 
Here is the Star Dome in the gym!
It was AWESOME!!!!!
Today, we will be seeing the Star Dome in the gym. I bet it will be good! Later, we will be sharing our story with our Book Buddies and watching their story!
By: Ryan S and Zach J


Zach said...

nice pour quoi tale ms wasney:)

GARFIELD{:) said...

Good pour quoi tale!!!!!!!:)

Michael said...

AAA this year was so cool!

kyla said...

awesome video! doing the AAA play and making the masks were so fun but... how come i am cut out for half the video!?

always :) kyla!

Nick M. said...

awesome typing zach and swany!

Conner L. said...

we did such a good job

jack said...

our pourqoua tale is good