Friday, February 26, 2016

A busy week of building!

We spent a huge part of the week working on science design projects! It was so awesome! Some Grade 4s completed their instruments, so they were able to make marble runs just for fun. Wow! They will totally be prepared for the project next year! It's so awesome to see the ideas that everyone comes up with . . . no 2 projects are the same!

Here's Carter Grace's TWAS from our kidblog account:

Hi guys its me again doing TWAS but this time there is a little twist. Read more to find out!
On Monday I was late for school because I had a doctors appointment, but when I WAS there we did our science design and I finished!!! My instrument is a shaker. It is really cool!
On Tuesday we had Mrs.Nowiki as a substitute for the day. We also had read to self, I read the book called "ghostopolis" it is a really good book. Its about a place where ghost go but a human accidentally gets into ghostopolis.
On Wednesday we had a new reading response and it says on one side retell the story and you can either do that in jot notes or sentences. On the other side it says that you can ask questions, give predictions, give your opinion and I forget the other one. another thing we had was EARLY DISMISSAL! yay. 
On Thursday we had a writing prompt and it was if you could choose flight or invisibility which one would you choose and what would you do with that super power? I chose flight. another thing we did was science design but sense me and Mackenzie a are done we got to make a marble run ( just for fun and we are suppost to make an instrument and the grade  fives are making a marble run) Its not done yet but its really cool!

On Friday we are doing TWAS on the laptops right now and later in the day we are making a seating plan for March.
"Dress like a book character" day
on Friday!

Marble run fun on Friday!

Friday, February 19, 2016

The 100th Day of School!

For a short week, we sure packed in LOTS! I think everyone enjoyed having Monday off from school!

On Tuesday we worked with the algorithm for multiplication. I'm amazed at how the students are enjoying it! We had a morning meeting, gym, and French.

On Wednesday, we worked with the math algorithm again, learned a reading strategy, had music, gym, and science. The Grade 4s did a sound experiment with the tuning forks and the Grade 5s learned about balanced and unbalanced.

Yesterday was a great day because Mrs. Dent Scarcello arranged for a Blue Bomber to read to our class and Mrs. Dyck's class. His name was Matthias Goossen and he has played centre with the Bombers for 2 years. The students really enjoyed the 2 books he read to us! We also had math, gym, and started science design.

Today, Mr. Careless from Robert Andrews came by to talk about the band program at Robert Andrews. And every student got a chance to try out a euphonium, which is a brass instrument. We did some super fun "100 Day" activities because it was celebrated by the younger grades over the last few days . . . and we didn't want to be left out! Ha! We also played a game with our Grade 2 book buddies, had music, and worked on TWAS on the laptops.

Here is MacKenzie's TWAS from her latest Kidblog post:

On Monday there was no school.

On Tuesday we had library.

On Wednesday we had gym.

On Thursday we had a Blue Bomber come read to us.

Today we did activities for 100 Day.

By: MacKenzie F.

Wear a readable shirt day on Friday!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Caine's Arcade

Science Design . . . aka: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

This time of the year has to be one of my favourites about being a teacher. I absolutely love watching the creativity and perseverance of students when they are designing and building their projects. For Term 2, the Grade 4s are creating musical instruments and the Grade 5s are making marble runs. The trick is that the projects have to be built with recyclable materials . . . everyday items that can be found in the recycling box! The video I showed today was PERFECT! It was filmed in 2012, and it's about a 9 year old boy that creates an entire arcade out of cardboard boxes. Amazing, right?! I hope you enjoy the video as much as I do . . . .

May you all have the imagination, patience, and creativity as Caine one day!  :)

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Happy TWAS!

We had a great week at school. We learned the "old-school" way of doing multiplication . . . and the students seemed to LOVE it! Ha! Our science units are pretty fun right now! The Grade 4s have been doing some experiments for sound. Check out this commercial that is all about kinetic and potential energy. It's geared for the Grade 5s, but everyone loved it!

Here's Aidan's TWAS that he worked on for Kidblog this morning:

On Monday we had gym. I forgot what we did but I do know that Ms. Rand was not feeling good. We also had a morning meeting. We all shared about our weekend. I had lots of sleepovers.

On Tuesday we made a tic-tac-toe game for our book buddies. It was a heart game board. We also had math. We did algorithms.

On Wednesday we had a writing job. it was about a glowing ball in a dogs mouth or was it a ball. We also had book buddies. We got to play the game we made for them!

On Thursday we had the worlds worst gym class #it sucked. We also went to the WSO. Sadly it was just the grade 5ers.

And now the moment you have been waiting for the one and only FRIDAY. Are you ready (say yes) good. Friday is... NOW. On Friday we had a assembly. it was cool because me and Max got to do the announcements. We will have our valentine party. It well be awesome. I know it.      

By: Aidan

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

The best and first field trip of 2016!

Last week, on Thursday February 4th, the SPIN Club went to the CMHR (Canadian Museum for Human Rights). We participated in a program called "Be an Upstander". It was an awesome field trip and I'm pretty sure many students will want to return to the museum one day. Our tour was a whirlwind! Imagine my surprise when Carter B typed up about our field trip on Kidblog over the weekend! So cool! Please check out the video below. Here's Carter's review . . .

Hello all readers I just wanted to give you a heads up that a nice friendly comment would be greatly appreciated and I am happy to get this post started. as you read in the title this was the best field trip I have ever been on and you might not have expected it but it was at the human rights museum! As you are all about to learn I am very very curious and that's why I love going to museums and visiting new places, enough about me. During the trip we got to visit the fourth, fifth and seventh floor.

The fourth floor. Well on the fourth floor there was a lot of stuff but there is a HUGE surprise at the end and really you'll understand why I forgot so much stuff when you read it ohh wait there was an awesome and I really mean AWESOME scale of the building!

The fifth floor. On the fifth floor we walked by a lot of stuff and we got there by really cool zig-zaggy ramps there so crissy-crossy ziggy-zaggy ramps you'd know what I mean if you go there.

The seventh floor! While I was on the seventh floor there was an array of different displays and exhibits including the wool covered trees, and the first "all races" prom.

The big surprise!!!!!!! The big surprise is that I went atop the Tower of Hope. Everyone was offered a chance but Mason refused! How could he refuse????

Friday, February 05, 2016

First TWAS on Kidblog

New attendance for February!
For a short week, we sure packed in lots of things! I think the most exciting part of the week was launching our Kidblog sites! Each student has now posted something (an "all about me" or an art review). I was really pleased to have to approve posts and comments left outside of school! It's cool to see the students so keen on blogging that they're posting and commenting on their own time! I hope this continues! Just remember our criteria! :)

Here's Kaity's TWAS, copied from her recent Kidblog post that she finished at home today:

Making bookmarks with our Grade 2
Book Buddies!
On Monday we got new name tags. The name tags are hearts and in the hearts are letters  in our name! I think it is cute.

On Tuesday we made cool bookmarks. I made my bookmark a rainbow and in black I put my name on it.

SPIN Club field trip to the CMHR!
On Wednesday we had one of my favorite substitutes: Mrs. Nowicki. Out of 1 to 5 stars Mrs. Nowicki is a 5. 

On Thursday we played a math game called TO THE MOON. It is a fun game.

On Friday. well there is NO SCHOOL!!!   But I am doing twas and after this I am going to relax.

By: Kaitlyn

Monday, February 01, 2016

Our online blogs are launched!

I am super excited to announce that we have launched our Kidblog account. Now, each student in Room 31 will have access to an online blog to publish their work. We will use this format to share about our learning experiences taking place in our classroom.

We’ve been working hard designing “paper blogs” over the last few weeks. We have also focused on quality commenting. Please note that all student posts, as well as comments, will be monitored and approved by me, before being posted online.

We encourage families to visit the Kidblog site and click the “Join” button. By entering in the code bdxbteh by February 15, you will be able to read all of our posts, and leave a comment, if you wish! Our posts are NOT public, so you will have to join to follow us on Kidblog.

Thanks for sharing in our blogging journey!

Here is the criteria we came up for posts and comments . . .


Heart Art

I really love how this art turned out! The colours and textures are beautiful! Be sure to take a closer look on Artsonia! Thanks to Laine and Katrina for explaining the art process so well. Enjoy the video!

Last week we did this art called Heart Art. There is A LOT of steps! First we a took some paper called card stock. Than you get some tissue paper and crumple it up. But make sure you dont rip it. Then you UN crumple it and glue it to the card stock and make sure you dont rip it. Then you let it dry. Then you paint the tissue paper and let it dry try not to rip it! After it’s dry, cut off the extra tissue paper that is hanging off the paper cut it right to the edge but not on the card stock. Then you take your favorite colour of pastel and rake the paper! But dont use the same colour. (Have the pastel on its side thats called raking) and then paint the heart whatever colour that you want, but dont go to close to the top. Then let it dry and take a white and black pastel. Use the white pastel in the corner of the heart put the white on whatever side that you want. Then do a shadow on the other side of the heart with a black pastel. Then take the black pastel and do a border around the heart. And at the edge of the paper use the black pastel and go around the edge to make a border.

By: Laine and Katrina