Friday, October 27, 2017

A snowy TWAS!

We've had an exciting week! First WE Day, first snowfall, final day of the Dog House Canteen, AND a haunted house in the gym!

Here is Cayden's TWAS:

On Magnificent Monday we had weekend wind-up it is like when it is your turn you share about your weekend if you want too. You can also pass. My favorite part of my weekend was when we went amazing corn and went into the haunted forest. It was so much fun:]. Also on Mon we had little buddy’s every time my little buddy gets more used to me. He is AWESOME!

On Terrific Tuesday we had paper blog introduction. We made blogs but on paper. I called mine deke snipe celli blog. If you can’t tell it’s based on hockey. We also made a French booklet that has questions in French and you answer it by drawing it or writing it.

On WE DAY Wednesday I went to we day it was AMAZING!!!!! I heard so many inspiring speeches it was great. I really liked when Sara Wells talked about believing in yourself no matter what. It was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! When we got back we did a reflection about we day that refreshed my memory a lot about it. Once spin club got back in class we did Halloween glyphs I really enjoyed it. Mine turned out pretty good.

On snow day Thursday at recess there was snow finally I was so happy I really missed the snow. It was amazing at lunch recess I played soccer. Everyone was slipping and sliding it was so much fun. Also on Thursday at lunch we watched polar bear live video. It was in Churchill. It was so cool. We also saw tundra buggies it was amazing. 

On Freaky Friday I will go help in the haunted house gym class. I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!! We also did TWAS I am SUPER EXCITED TO FINISH!! I am pretty happy with what I wrote. It is almost my record thank you so much for reading!

By Cayden    


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally snow!! iam so happy

by Cayden