Thursday, January 26, 2017

WSO Artwork!

 We listened to a Canadian composer Jean Coulthards song “The Contented House’’ we listened to the song first then Ms. Wasney gave us a black piece of paper then we listened to the song and drew with oil pastel what the song was like. Then we could do more if we wanted to and she put on the music over about 5 times. Everyone’s art was unique. Then when we were done it was time for the painting. It was like the same thing as the pastel except this time we were using white paper and paint. I think the paint was better than the pastel because the paint had more flow to it. Then the next day after everything was dry we took name tags and wrote our names and glued it to the back of the art. Then we would choose if we wanted to put it into the WSO art pile and the rest we kept. But you could only put one of your artworks in the WSO pile. Ms. Wasney has to bring them to the WSO drop off box and they pick someone’s artwork from the class. I really hope my art gets chosen!

By: Madelynne

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