Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Writer's Workshop

Yesterday, we had an amazing brainstorming session during our Writer's Workshop! I was so impressed with the participation of all the students! I couldn't help but smile when one table group came up with the idea of record labels as a place where we can find writing! Just where exactly have they spotted those lately?!

On Tuesday we did Writer’s Workshop. We had to brainstorm about why writers write and where we can find writing. Each table group worked hard together. Our class got to share their ideas table group by table group. Some table groups shared just where they could find writing, while the others did both. When we were finished Ms. Wasney printed off all of the ideas on different wordles. One wordle for where we find writing, and one for why writers write. Then we glued them into our writing journals. We came up with 110 ideas for where we find writing. WOW! And for why writers write we came up with 29. In total we came up with 139 ideas altogether. We had a lot of ideas shared for the assignment, but while each table group were sharing, the others thought their ideas were awesome so they wanted to put them down. Each table group had a lot of fun doing this assignment. Ms. Wasney was happy with all the ideas we came up with too. We all hope to do another fun assignment like this again soon!!

By: Chelsea and Taylor P

By clicking on a wordle, you can see the larger version . . . which is easier to read!


hailey said...

thats so cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

we had so many things!
