Friday, September 06, 2013

Week One: Done!

Well, we made it through the first week of school! Woohoo! We spent the last part of the day writing reviews of the first week in Room 31. Some students even wanted to take their unfinished writing home for the weekend! Are these kids great, or what?! I've had the pleasure of reading their reviews, and I think you'll enjoy reading some quotes!

"This is my first week at Bird's Hill School. For the past few days, it's been really different!" - Aliyah

Attendance on the SMARTBoard!
"We do attendance on the SMARTBoard, and every month it's a different picture. This month it's apples and you drag them with your finger and put them into a basket." - Alyssa

"Did you know there are only 3 SMARTBoards in the whole school? Our class is lucky because we have one." - Angela

"We have a memory jar and there are 2 so far in it!" - Anna

"When I walked in the class for the first time on the right, there was a SMARTBoard. On the left, there was our class pet. In the middle, there is a quilt that Ms. Wasney's mom made. And all over the classroom there were colourful bulletin boards. I could go on and on and on about what we have in our classroom but I better stop there." - Aria

Our class pet . . . he's VERY quiet!

"Did you know we have another teacher that teaches us French? Her name is Mrs. Daraska." - Brett

"We even have a class pet, but he doesn't talk or fly because he's not a real bird. But what's good is nobody has to feed it!" - Carter

"So, what do you want to know? First week of school . . . LOVED IT!" - Chelsea

"We learned that Book Nooks are special chairs, mats, and cushions. Sometimes you even get Ms. Wasney's chair. I got it once already!" - Cole
Book Nooks are a hit with 4/5W!

"We have a R Chart. This particular chart is about being respectful". - Daimin

"Did you know that I have been in Ms. Wasney's class for 3 years? Kindergarten, Grade 3, and Grade 5." - Emily

"This year I am a Peacemaker. A Peacemaker is a person who walks around the primary side and solves problems." - Emmy

"The first week in Ms Wasney's class is awesome." - Hailey B

"Everyone in the other classes wanted to see our class pet. But they found out it was fake!" - Haley J

"Ms. Wasney's class is on Instagram and we have a blog which is updated all the time!" - Hannah

"I rate the first week of school 10 out of 10." - Jason

"This year, I am so excited to be a bus patrol!" - Jayden

"Ms. Wasney said that Railay is going to visit once or twice." - Katelyn

"This week was a 4 out of 5 star week. I give it a 4 because I missed an afternoon because I was sick." - Matt

"Does your class sit in table groups? We do, I sit with 5 people. 4 + me." - Noah

"To me, the SMARTBoard is a small theater, really it's a big touch screen you can write on." - Rowan

"Room 31 has a mascot: Railay." - Sydney

"It's cool that we get to name our classroom jobs. My job is called Mr. Clean." - Ted


Anonymous said...

i also really like to name our classroom jobs Ted!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

raily looks really quite with the flowers


Anonymous said...

I love your Classroom Jod name!! Mr.Clean is soo like you!!!! Was it hard to think of the name??

Chelsea =D

Anonymous said...

Doing the attendance on the smartboard is SO much fun!!!

I wonder what one we are going to do next month?

Haley J

Anonymous said...


wow we had such a fun week I am so exited for the year to go on Ms. wasny is so nice to us!
what are you looking forward to this year?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy attendence on the smartboard!

I can't wait to see what we are doing next week


Anonymous said...

that class pet is the coolest.

sydney :)