Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Science Design Projects!

The science design project was to build something to keep someone shaded from the sun. The problem was that two kids have allergies to sunscreen, so we needed to make some sort of protection for them that was effective AND attractive! Kyla and I were partners, we drew two hats but we could only use one. So we mixed both hats in one! The next day we had to build the project out of newspaper and masking tape. It took a while to build. If you were done you would go outside to test if it did really work! Ours did, but it didn’t really cover our legs. When we got inside we had to finish our log books.
By: Carly


Ryan.S said...

I like doing the science design projects they are so fun and i like making new stuff!

Michael said...

I really enjoyed the science design project.