Friday, January 26, 2018

A yummy end to the week!

We were able to start presenting our projects on weather this week! It was so fun to see everyone's research and hard work! We also managed to finish up our amazing art project (which are posted on Artsonia). And today, Chantal brought in brownies to celebrate "chocolate cake day", which is tomorrow! It was a delicious way to end our week!

Here is Cami's TWAS from her Kidblog account:

on Monday we had art and we talked about an art project originally created by Paul Klee and he worked with triangles, squares, and some other shapes and we made a city inspired by one of his pieces of art. To make the project we used pencil, sharpie, a stencil or ruler, and water color paint! the first step was to make your building with a ruler/stencil and a pencil and make pretty square and triangle designs and some of your own to make it unique and make a circle somewhere above. The second step was to take a permanent marker or sharpie and trace your pencil lines and after the marker dries you erase the pencil lines. After the third step is to paint the sky and castle/buildings with the paint (we kept our castle and sky 2 different tones <cool> <warm> colors.) Then we took permanent marker/sharpie and went over the lines that were there to make sure they weren't colored over or faded... and we are done. The artist calls the piece "castle and sun" but I made mine castle and moon. 

On Tuesday we had science and we were not researching about our weather topics (our science unit is weather) but we are presenting our presentations and we have 5-6 presentations everyday but I presented on Tuesday and Tuesday is the only day with 6 presentations because we did not present on Monday and we have 23 students in the class so if you divide it by 4 you get groups of five and one left over and you cant divide a presentation so on Tuesday we have 6. I presented about tornados and what tornados do, cause, how they develop, some interesting facts, and more! On Tuesday we also had BHS and my favorite books to read are mockingbird, it is very interesting and if I could give a rating for how much I like it I would give it an A+.
On Wednesday we had French and we had a paper with boxes including questions in French and we went around the class asking a whole bunch of people the questions and depending on if they said yes or no (in French) I would fill their name in the box and I did not finish so I had to work on it on another day. We also had extra recess earned by Maxx!!! and I enjoyed extra time outside and I pretty much stayed on the swings because they are so much fun!!!
On Thursday we had time to finish up work we have not yet finished and I got to finish my Wednesday work so I quickly asked a few more people some French questions and I was FINALLY DONE!!! On Thursday we also had math and we talked about patterning and I got all the question right and I was really proud of myself and I know patterns are important because its helpful to predict what's going to come next and etc.
Today is Friday and today was chocolate cake day and Chantal brought brownies... its pretty much a type of cake to me!!! the brownies were so good with a slight sprinkle of sprinkles. Today we also had TWAS and that is what I'm doing right now and I'm very happy you checked out this weeks TWAS and that will rap up This Week At School. 

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