Friday, September 16, 2016

The first full 5-day week of many!

BHS Reads!
Today's exit question was: "Describe the first 5-day week of Grade 5". It was wonderful to get so many positive answers, like "fantastic", "fun", "awesome", "great", and "challenging"! We were busy with Summer Sharing every day this week. I love this activity because not only do we get to know one another more, but it's also great practice for speaking in front of the class. The students had such fun adventures over the summer! We also started BHS Reads . . . this year, each classroom is starting off the day with at least 10 minutes of independent reading. Room 31 is loving this so far! We visited the library for the first time on Monday too.

On Wednesday, the patrols had training for part of the morning. We met with our Book Buddies from Mrs. Henry's Grade 2/3 class for the first time. I surprised the students with SMILE cookies from Tim Hortons. All the proceeds go towards the Children's Rehab Foundation. This is pretty neat because there are students in our school (even in our classroom) that benefit from the CRF with a variety of equipment.

Thursday was "International Dot Day" which was inspired by the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. We did lots of fun dot day activities, including starting an amazing art job! We are creating self portraits in the style of American artist Roy Lichtenstein. He loved using old-fashioned comic strips as his subject matter. The art is taking loads of patience, but is turning out so great!

Thanks for a fun week! Be sure to enjoy the colours of fall out and about!

All these pictures are from our class Instagram account! You should follow us at: @mswasneysclass

Loving those fall colours!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! I loved all of the pics. put one just seemed to pop out at me and that was the picture of the smile cookies. my smile cookie wasn't exactly perfect was yours? livia.