Friday, January 08, 2016

A cold start to a new year!

It was really nice to see everyone, and even get greeted by a few hugs on Monday! It has been a busy first week back at school! Here's Matt's TWAS for the week!

Monday- today we had a morning meeting we did 3,2,1 three fun facts two things you’ll miss about the holidays and one thing that surprised you. I didn’t share about everything only 3 fun facts.
Tuesday- today we walked into the room and noticed something was different? The attendance changed you had to drag your snowman into the igloo and it would disappear! We also got to pick new spots. I sit at a table of four with Corbin, Keaston, and Donavan we sit by the teacher’s desk.
Wednesday- today we had word work but nobody did it because everyone was reading instead. We also had gym we played dodge ball. (Our team won.)
Thursday- today we got to play with an iPad!!! We were put into groups red,blue,green, black and orange I was in the orange group. We also had book buddies we did coding with them.
Friday- today we had gym we had double gym we did relay races. We also had twas in the computer lab. And it is my last day of school!!! 
By: Matt 


Anonymous said...

my favorite one is the time is always RIGHT to do what is RIGTH

by kaitlyn

Anonymous said...

I love codeing and It was fun to do with my buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Brogan