Wednesday, February 18, 2015

SPIN Club field trip to CMHR!

On February 17th, the SPIN Club went on a field trip to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. We got a tour of half of the museum. The first thing we saw was a huge room with a projector that projected onto the wall saying welcome in different languages. We went on the elevator to get to different floors. There was a glass window to see through and it went really high, and it was really squishy in there. We went up to the Tower of Hope, and that was the highest part of the building, and we could see great views of Winnipeg! We got to take pictures of the parts of the museum we saw.

In one exhibit, there was a game that we played. It was all about making positive choices and being an “upstander”. If on the game it said swipe here, we would swipe with our hand because the projector was sensitive to your shadow.

There were some ramps going down almost the whole museum and it went really far. At the base of the museum, it was kind of dark, but as we went up the elevators and the ramps it got brighter. Most of the walls in the museum were made out of limestone that was really old. There were over 1 000 glass panes on the outside of the museum.

We didn’t get to see the entire museum, but we got to see most of it. There was a rock stream that was beautiful; the water looked so fresh and clean. When you looked up on the roof, you could see the snow on top of the glass.

This field trip was really neat. All the exhibits and activities made us think about human rights and how we’re all the same and deserve to be treated the same.

By: Aimie, Anna, Arden, and Sydney

Thank you to Mrs. Dent Scarcello and Mrs. Dyck for joining us on this fantastic field trip! Thanks to Mrs. Tresoor for sharing her pictures so that I could include them in the video! Enjoy . . .



Anonymous said...

Hey ms.wasney

i was there on the field trip

matthew m

Anonymous said...

Wow! that looks and sounds pretty fun. how long did the bus ride take to get there
By Jaedan

Anonymous said...

i had there!! it was so crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

HI guys me again. how long was the field trip.
By Jaedan