Friday, December 20, 2013

Winter Art

SPOILER ALERT! This blog post contains TOP SECRET information about Christmas gifts for our families. Perhaps you should stop reading . . . or act really surprised on Christmas morning! 

All of this fabulous winter art can be found on Artsonia! Just click on the link, found on the right-hand side of the blog.
In the month of December we have been doing lots of art!  The penguin art was a fun craft to do. We had to use the black for the background and for the middle we had to use the white in the middle we could do a design if we wanted to and some people made theirs as a sport and some people put a Santa hat on the penguin and you could dress them if you wanted to. But I (Carter) dressed mine up like what I wear every day. And I (Trystin) made a basketball one and a ref one too. We think that everyone enjoyed it. You can even put a speech bubble and or you can also put a sign on the penguin too.
BY TRYSTIN and Carter

In the month of December we did this art called pine tree ornament Art. First you pick the shape of ornament you want and trace it on the black paper. Then you outline the ornament in white or black oil pastel. Then you take a brown pastel to the draw the branch, then you take a dark green and lime green pastel do to the pine needles on the branches. Then colour in your ornament with oil pastels.

  Stained Glass Trees
In the month of December we did a three step art job and it was called stained glass trees. First you get a plain piece of paper and tissue paper and you get wet glue and put it in a bowl or something to mix it in, then you put in a tablespoon of water in the thing that you have the glue in then mix it. Then you glue on tissue paper onto white paper. Then for part 2 you have to paint a background and when you are making the background you have to make a snow outline and then wet the rest with water but you can’t put water on the snow or else the paint will run down it and you don’t want that because you need the outline for the snow for the trees to go on. Then once you put on the water you can start painting, and when you are painting you can’t go into the outline of the snow or else you will ruin the snow. Then when we are done painting we have to put it on the drying rack.  Then for part 3 we had to trace the trees out with tracers on the paper that we did on day 1 and we had to trace them and then we cut them out. After we cut them out we had to make tree trunks and we could make them curve to make them look even more realistic and then once we liked how we placed our trees we could start gluing them and then we gave them to Ms.Wasney. When Ms.Wasney has it she will put it in a frame then you have to choose a wrapping paper. You can either get snowflakes, or ornaments or Santa. Then you take it home and give it to your family.
By: Jayden and Jacqueline


Taylor T. said...

WOW we did ALOT of art this winter!!!!

Anonymous said...

We did a lot of work!

Anonymous said...

THAT IS A LONG VIDEO!! i love all the art that we did!


Ted said...

Oh wow! I was so surprised to see all of the artwork we have done!
I really liked this video.
Was it hard to make?

Anonymous said...

good job on the art trystin

Chelsea said...

Oh Wow! We done so much art! That video was SO cute!