Friday, January 25, 2013


This week at school we did Ability awareness. Different people came to or school to do stations the stations were mobility it is like going in a wheel chair it was really fun my partner was (Brandon.C) we started at the sign language station. I learned some new things here. The other grade 5’s in our group are Ty, Conner, Braden, Alex and I think that’s it. My favourite station was the Mobility station it was really fun! Me and my partner Brandon .C took turns on the wheel chairs. And I learned lots of different signs to speak in sign language.

Here is our brainstorming for our
Classroom Expectations.

In Book Buddies we helped them with their masks they are doing. The topic they are doing for their whole class is why the polar bear got his white fur.
In AAA we started doing our masks for the Pour Quoi Tale. Our topic is Why do owls stay up at night. My mask is the lynx. I used fabric, marbles for eyes, and paper for ears, and an egg carton for the nose. The three Narrators are Nathaniel Nick .M and Jack.
 In the class we are doing are own classroom expectations so we decided on some rules for our classroom.

Here is Ryan during the Ability
Awareness Day on Tuesday!

In health we are starting to do feelings and body language we got some sheets to do for health it is like problem solving.
In Gym we did bench ball it was so FUN J ! For bench ball we had a sub for it. For  music  we are doing two songs the two  songs are Over the sea to sky and Old carrion crow.  
 In library I got Titanic unsinkable so far it is a good book I am on page 8 almost 9.  
 In French we are doing winter activities and temperature.
We practiced 2 lockdowns in our classroom. We are having a school-wide lock down next week.
In science we are doing push pull and force. Jack found a synonym dictionary so they used it then I asked to have it.
 In SPIN club we are doing posters and we are selling buttons for 2 dollars for the We are LOVE campaign fundraiser.
 By: Ryan.S


RYAN.S said...

ITS my twas OMG!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) ")

carly said...

Great twas Ryan!

Lindsay rocks alot said...

nice twas ryan.s

kyla said...

nice twas good job Ryan! :)
