Monday, April 02, 2012

Beautifully Organized Book Bins!

Here we are sorting through the books!
During the last week of school before Spring Break, we spent almost a full day organizing our classroom library. It was a BIG job, but one that really needed to be done! The students went through the old book bins and decided on books to keep and books to donate. We then organized the books into Fiction and Non-Fiction and then into genres. I bought some snazzy new book bins and made up labels. We all think our classroom library looks WAY better now! Thanks for your hard work!

Ahhhhh, all organized and ready to read!


Mrs. Dent Scarcello said...

I LOVE your newly organized library! Spring makes me want to organize and clean things up too. Even though it was a big job, I bet it was interesting to go through all the books and see what you might not have known was even there!
Happy Spring!
-Mrs. Dent Scarcello :)

Anonymous said...

wow i like how all the book are organized so nice
