Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Month in Review

Wow! February seemed to FLY by! We were quite excited about filling up our "R Chart" this week. We are working at being respectful in and out of the classroom. So, we try to fill in circles on a chart that we have on our wall. We can always get "bonus" circles for receiving a compliment! We decided to celebrate by wearing pjs, watching a movie WHILE having free time with the netbooks. Wow! Aren't we great at multi-tasking?! We always do a self-assessment at the end of every month, as well as set a goal for the next month. These will be shared with parents at Student-Led Conferences in a few weeks. Thanks to Renee for volunteering to share her write-up on the blog!

Here we are in our comfy pjs!
Month in Review brainstorming!

Wow Renee! Great job at keeping your fingers on the "home row"!

Month in review
This month we had pyjama day because we filled up our R chart. I wore my pyjamas. This month we also had a field trip. We went to the science gallery. It was really fun. There were lots of things to do there. I liked the pulley chairs and the shadow pictures. Elder Jules came to our school this month. He told us a story about wolves. We also had a math test and a science test. We started our novel study final projects. I am doing a scene re-enactment with Haley and Emmy. The book we read was called owls in the family. It was a good book. We did mapping in S.S. we made a map of our class room, a map of our school yard and a map of how we get to school.


Anonymous said...

wow Renee!


Anonymous said...

awesome twas renee!