Tuesday, March 08, 2016


One day we had science but something that the title already gave away had happened and we were never the same, WE GOT TO DO DESIGN PROJECTS!!! Oonce, oonce oonce oonce. Sorry, got carried away there but now it’s back to normal so, two people are making this post but only Carter gets to type because I was here first but brogan will be help’n me out on this by com’n up with some ideas. The grade 4 students mak’n a bacon pancake, I was just kidding instead the grade 4s are making an instrument and the grade5s are making a marble run.


The criteria for both projects will be listed here.

Grade 4 criteria:

-Instrument must have a minimum of 2 pitches.

-volume must be adjustable.

-must be made out of recyclable materials, tape and can have hot glue.

Grade 5 criteria:

-Marble must start on it’s own once placed.

-Marble must change speed at least once.

-Marble run must be made out of the same materials the grade 4s used.

-Marble must come to a controlled stop.

Thanks for reading, please leave a comment and stay tuned for the next post!!!  

We just want to say that this project was sort of difficult and very, very fun. We would rate this project 4 ½ - 5 (four and a half out of five) stars.

 -Carter-B and Brogan!!!!

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