Monday, February 01, 2016

Heart Art

I really love how this art turned out! The colours and textures are beautiful! Be sure to take a closer look on Artsonia! Thanks to Laine and Katrina for explaining the art process so well. Enjoy the video!

Last week we did this art called Heart Art. There is A LOT of steps! First we a took some paper called card stock. Than you get some tissue paper and crumple it up. But make sure you dont rip it. Then you UN crumple it and glue it to the card stock and make sure you dont rip it. Then you let it dry. Then you paint the tissue paper and let it dry try not to rip it! After it’s dry, cut off the extra tissue paper that is hanging off the paper cut it right to the edge but not on the card stock. Then you take your favorite colour of pastel and rake the paper! But dont use the same colour. (Have the pastel on its side thats called raking) and then paint the heart whatever colour that you want, but dont go to close to the top. Then let it dry and take a white and black pastel. Use the white pastel in the corner of the heart put the white on whatever side that you want. Then do a shadow on the other side of the heart with a black pastel. Then take the black pastel and do a border around the heart. And at the edge of the paper use the black pastel and go around the edge to make a border.

By: Laine and Katrina       


Anonymous said...

I like the video for the heart art


Anonymous said...

hi Mrs. wasney I really like the why the heart art pops of color. I also like you picked it and why?.


Anonymous said...

I love how the heart art turned out
