We had a great week at school. We learned the "old-school" way of doing multiplication . . . and the students seemed to LOVE it! Ha! Our science units are pretty fun right now! The Grade 4s have been doing some experiments for sound. Check out this commercial that is all about kinetic and potential energy. It's geared for the Grade 5s, but everyone loved it!
Here's Aidan's TWAS that he worked on for Kidblog this morning:
On Monday we had gym. I forgot what we did but I do know that Ms. Rand was not feeling good. We also had a morning meeting. We all shared about our weekend. I had lots of sleepovers.
On Tuesday we made a tic-tac-toe game for our book buddies. It was a heart game board. We also had math. We did algorithms.
On Wednesday we had a writing job. it was about a glowing ball in a dogs mouth or was it a ball. We also had book buddies. We got to play the game we made for them!
On Thursday we had the worlds worst gym class #it sucked. We also went to the WSO. Sadly it was just the grade 5ers.
And now the moment you have been waiting for the one and only FRIDAY. Are you ready (say yes) good. Friday is... NOW. On Friday we had a assembly. it was cool because me and Max got to do the announcements. We will have our valentine party. It well be awesome. I know it.
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