Here's Carter Grace's TWAS from our kidblog account:
Hi guys its me again doing TWAS but this time there is a little twist. Read more to find out!
On Monday I was late for school because I had a doctors appointment, but when I WAS there we did our science design and I finished!!! My instrument is a shaker. It is really cool!
On Tuesday we had Mrs.Nowiki as a substitute for the day. We also had read to self, I read the book called "ghostopolis" it is a really good book. Its about a place where ghost go but a human accidentally gets into ghostopolis.
On Wednesday we had a new reading response and it says on one side retell the story and you can either do that in jot notes or sentences. On the other side it says that you can ask questions, give predictions, give your opinion and I forget the other one. another thing we had was EARLY DISMISSAL! yay.
On Friday we are doing TWAS on the laptops right now and later in the day we are making a seating plan for March.
Marble run fun on Friday! |