Even though it was a 4-day week, we sure packed lots in! You can read the posts from all the students in Room 31 on our Kidblog account by clicking
HERE. Thanks to Matthew for sharing his post on the blog this week . . .
Hello and this is my twas for the week!
On Monday I didn't do much since we had no school but over the weekend we got a new basketball net so I mostly just did that with my dad or brother!
On Tuesday we had our 30x30 nature challenge, We did something a little special! When we got outside Ms. Wasney made us take off our shoes and socks then sit in a circle with our feet in the middle! The reason we were doing that is because there's a shoe company that sends a pair of shoes to someone in need everytime someone does #withoutshoes on instagram in a picture so thats why we did it but it was kinda funny! Later in the day we had Library! Recently I got a book called "Mark of the Thief"! I didnt get a book because I was reading that and the books about a kid named Nic and he was a slave in the mines in rome and he found a bulla that was Julius Ceasers and he got it and I dont want to spoil the rest!
On Wednesday we had word work wednesday you may be wondering whats so special about this, Well we did something called dollar words and its where you have to find a word that equals 1 dollar each letter equals a bit of money a few of the words that equaled 1 dollar were buttheads, wizard and a few more I can't remember! Oh and I almost forgot to tell you we got the idea from a book we are reading called "Because of Mr. Terupt"! Then we had Science- Muscular system! For this class we did the muscular system and we watched a few videos about the muscular system they were funny though!
On Thursday we had a fire drill in the middle of health! We were in the middle of health when the fire bell rang we all jumped and went outside and then we went back inside and finished our lesson! Later at the end of the day we went outside for 30x30 and we did word work, the word work was we had to write a type of thing for nature like each letter would be a word and we also had to see how much words we can make out of "Nature Challenge" it was pretty fun!
On Friday we had music for ONCE it was fun! You might be wondering why is it fun? Well this time we got to use big drums and we played a little tune with the big, medium, small drums it was pretty fun and cool! Next thing we are doing is Camp Arnes info! For this session we will be picking who we are partnering up with and sleeping with (on bunk beds)! I haven't chose my partner yet but it will probably be Jayden or Jaedan lol their names are the same!
Well thats all for this post until next time!
By: Matthew
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