Monday, May 25, 2015

Manitoba Museum on a Monday!

On Monday, May 25, our class and the other class went to the Manitoba Museum. We went there to learn about the fur trade (social studies) and units in science. We got there and put our stuff in a big pull-out closet. Then we went our separate ways. 

Our class first went to the Science Gallery. In the Science Gallery, there were pulley chairs you sat on the chair and pulled yourself up. Once you got to the top you let go of the rope and went down slowly. The yellow was the easiest the blue was medium and the red was the hardest. After about an hour we went into a room and did a lot of experiments. We did a lever, pulley, force, gravity spin. The force one was super cool because Brett in our class filled up the water in 4 cups. The lady had a tray with strings she put the cups in the middle and spun the tray around her head. The water stayed in the cup when she stopped spinning the tray, the water went everywhere!

We went for lunch. After that we headed up to the main museum to learn about the fur trade. We went in two groups. We learned about all different things. In one part there were cool things in a box like fur, snow shoes, dried up meat, tin cans, an axe, and more. We had free time we went on a boat which was a replica of the Nonsuch. We wish we had more time to do things. We had to wait for the other class and the grade 3’s. This field trip is worth five out of five stars.

By: Aimie and Karley

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