On Monday we had International Dot Day! We had lots of fun on International Dot Day First we read “A Million Dots” it has a whole bunch of pictures with dots and facts with them at the end we reached 1 million dots! Later that day we read “Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs” We read it for science we had to list the types of weather.
On Tuesday we had classroom expectations for our class matrix we took pictures for the expectations! After that we had a MYRCA talk from Mrs.Friesen She showed us a whole bunch of books and the summary I joined J.
Wednesday we had an assembly about the patrols and peacemakers I stood up for
patrols and peacemakers because I am both! Then we had reading strategy: check
for understanding we had to write about reading and checking for understanding.
We also had Smile Cookies they tasted good mmmmmmm!
those smile cookies were awsome
i think doing TWAS on the computer is easier than on paper
Hi Ms.wasney
doing the twas was fun
are we going to do it every friday?
this was the mot awsome week ever Mrs wasney it was so fun and cool it was so fun
How much money did you spend on all of them???
by:Aria M.
hi ms. wasney how are you have a great wekend for me can't wait till next week bye bye bye.
by liam
have a grat weekend
by leif
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