Well, we all think Spring (finally) arrived this week! The weather sure warmed up by Thursday! We even spent some time cleaning up the school yard, in honour of Earth Day coming up on April 22nd. We wrapped up our unit on forces and simple machines this week and will be soon moving onto learning about the systems of the human body. We are still working on our social studies projects, started a new strategy for multiplication and did a few writing prompts. On Wednesday, MTYP came to our school to present "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" to staff and students.
Here is Haylee's TWAS from her kidblog account:
On Monday we had weekend wind-up!!! I shared about my fun weekend!!! I love weekend wind-up!!! Another thing we did was BHS reads. I am reading five books at the same time!!! And I've started all of them!!! Ms. Wasney said that if she read that many books at the same time she would get them mixed up!!!
On Tuesday we got to go on the laptops because Ciera won it for us!!! We also started our earth day art at the same time!!! The things you need to make it are: Shaving cream, blue paint, green paint, paper, a squeegee, scissors, a pencil, a circle tracer, a sharpie, red paper, a cookie sheet, black paper and a glue stick. It was so fun and I would rate my art 3 out of 5!!! First you have to spray the shaving cream on the cookie sheet. Then you drizzle a LITTLE bit of the blue and green paint on to the shaving cream. Then take your piece of paper and tap it on the shaving cream. Then you drag it across the shaving cream. If you want more color then you can drag it again. Let it sit for five minutes then scrape the access shaving cream off with the squeegee!!! then you can let it dry for a few hours. Afterwards you can use your tracer and cut the piece of paper with the shaving cream and glue it on your black paper. Cut out a heart on your red paper then write a message on it! You're done!!!
On Wednesday we had the people from MTYP come and do a play for us! It was called The lion, the witch and the wardrobe!!! It was a great play!!! Another thing we did was social studies!!! I am researching Henry Hudson for my European explorer!!! I am working with Faith!!!
On Thursday we had a substitute!!! We had BHS reads!!! the same five books!!! Another thing we did was math. we worked on multiplication!!! It's pretty easy for me!!!
On Friday we have no school and I don't have any plans yet!!!
I'm Happy Spring is Finaaly because its the Baseball season
I like my earth!
hi I loved when we got to go outside and find trash.
by ty
my earth art looked like a egg because I forgot that there were tracers
Picking up garbage for earth day was really fun
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