We have had a great 4-day week! Tuesday was a very busy day . . . we had a French cooking class in the morning and then a school-wide book-based movie afternoon! All BHS students had a choice of 4 movies to go and watch. It was really neat! The students have been working incredibly hard on TWO pieces for the upcoming music festival.
Here is Carter's TWAS from his Kidblog account:
On Monday, there was No School! All I did was stay home and play outside and video games.
On Tuesday, we had a French cooking class. I don't know what we made but it was good. In it was quinoa, chicken, tomatoes, mint and parsley. It was okay. We also had Movie Day! I went to watch the BFG (big friendly giant). It was a great movie.
On Wednesday, we had Gym. All we did was gymnastics. It was okay because I don't really like gymnastics though. We also had Social Studies. we did this complicated because mostly all social studies is hard more me.
On Thursday, we had a spelling test. There was 100 words. I think I got most of them right. We also had French. we had to draw 5 things from any French piece, then you would have to say it to Ms. Wasney.
On Friday, we had a unplanned fire drill even before school! It was hard getting outside because it was so cold out. We also are having gym today. I can predict that it will be gymnastics.
Thanks for reading!
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