The students in Room 31 had a busy week! I was away on Monday and Tuesday, and it was soooooo nice to be welcomed back with huge smiles and hugs on Wednesday! I took 2 personal days to go to Las Vegas for a Photobooth convention over the weekend. I am my sister's one and only employee, and her business treated me, so how could I say no?!
The patrols ended off the week with a "wheelie" great time at Wheelies this morning! What an awesome way to celebrate their hard work and dedication!
Here's Brogan's TWAS from his latest Kidblog post . . .
Monday we had Mrs Kohut as a sub we had to do some math it was two digit by one digit and one digit by three digitthe one digit by three digit was the hard part it was like what but I tried and it still was hard I guess I just need to learn and we had science. We learned about sound and how bats use their ears and not their eyes it was neat.
Tuesday we still have Mrs Kohut as a sub but lets get to the day we did a writing prompt it was about money would you spend $500 dollars on your self or donate $5000 dollars to some one else I gave mine to TPABC that stand for the papa and Brogan company it is me and my papa doing cool stuff to make the world a better place and we went to the computer lab to either work on our expert projects or type about and writing prompt I did and writing prompt that I was working on.
Wednesday Absent
Thursday today it is so awesome Dylan made a ant-man movie out of LEGO it is so cool it was like 5 min long and he made it on this app called stop motion it had 865 pictures because stop motion is like you take a picture and then move the person he had some other movies but they were like 1 min long and we did day of pink respectful greetings I was in a group with Matt Coen and Donavan it was so funny.
Friday today we had gym we did basket ball but I had to sit out for free time but I am good at basket ball and we are working on our TWAS so good bye my friends.
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