Fraction Pizza - Yummy math! |
This week on Tuesday to be exact we had a water safety presentation to watch. It was all about how to stay safe around water. I learned that even if you think you are a very good swimmer you still shouldn’t go to the beach alone because everyone can drown even professionals can drown.
In Heath we watched some more of the video that we started a couple of weeks ago. And I have to say that it was the hardest one to go through without laughing. It had some interesting words that we don’t hear every day but we needed to learn about it sometime or another so it may as well be now.
This afternoon we are having book buddies! This time we are going to do an activity! I have no idea what it is but I bet it will be REALLY fun! I cannot wait until this afternoon to see my book buddy!
This week some people for French have started something new because they are finished their restaurant skits. The new activity is where you would pick a sport like hockey then draw it so you would draw a hockey puck or a hockey stick something that is related in playing the game.
New attendance for June! YUM! |
On Thursday we got… NEW SPOTS!!!!! Before I was sitting with Amanda, Memphis and Reagan and now I’m sitting with Amanda, Brooklyn and Zach! I would say in my opinion this has been the best seating plan though out the whole year! And the best attendance too! The attendance is Popsicles! You just tap your popsicle and it melts away! The best snack for warm weather!
This week we had 5 more people present their expert projects! Their names are… Amanda, Kyla, Michael, Carly and Nathan. Amanda’s was on horses, Kyla’s was on pink fairy armadillo’s, Michael’s was on bold eagles, Carly’s was on polar bears and Nathans was on martins.
The instagram challenge is back baby! And better than ever! This time I get to do 2! Mine are funny and letters! For funny I asked everyone to write down some jokes and then I put in three of them and then I put it into a special app then I put lol! then that’s it we posted it and BOOM! Done! And for my other one I am going to do the letters on the wall of the alphabet!
This week we had all 4 subjects out of the class room. For gym we went outside to play baseball for the entire time I got at least 1 home run per time! It was really tiring! For music we practiced our recorder songs, the sailor and the water is wide. In choir we sang Firework by Katy Perry and for library we checked out books.
1 comment:
Hey nice T.W.A.S linsday!
How many words did you have because that is one long T.W.A.S!
Do you like the new attendance?
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