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Here is the S.P.I.N. Club and Amber! (Amber is in the middle, wearing the green scarf.) |
On Monday, a special guest came to B.H.S and her name was Amber Schuler. She came to our school because we raised a lot of money for Nicaragua. She came to talk to the grade 4’s 5’s and 6’s about Free the Children. If you don’t know what that means then we will tell you. It all started when a kid in Pakistan named Iqbal got bought for 600 rupees aka $16. His parents didn’t know that they sold him because they didn’t go to school so they couldn’t read the contract. So they signed the contract with their finger print. The people that wanted to buy Iqbal said that he was going to go to a good school. But they actually sold him to a carpet factory where he had to work for 6 years. L Then he escaped when he was 10 years old. Then he traveled around the world telling people about child labour. Then he went back to Pakistan to see his family then he rode his bike with his cousin to his uncle’s house. They were half way there when his cousin got shot in the arm and Iqbal was shot and he diedL. The next day Craig was looking for the comics and while he was looking he found an article and the headline was 12 Boy in Pakistan murdered! He read the article and when he was done reading it was time to go to school so he brought the article to school and asked his teacher if he could read it to the class. When he was done reading he asked if anyone wanted to join a club and gradually 11 of Craig’s friends put their hands up. Their club was called the 12 twelve year olds. But when one of them turned 13 they changed their name to free the Children and that is how free the Children started! And today only Craig is still in free the Children but a lot of other people started to join. It is so fun being in S.P.I.N club because we do so many things that are FUN and to Help other people!àJack Ryan.S
By: Jack and Ryan.S
Hey jack that is so awesome!+ME
wow that was so cool that she got to come great job guys
wow that was so cool that she got to come to the school wait ago spin club
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