THERE WAS a Christmas CONCERT THAT was from K-4 and it was a wonderful concert the name of it was Christmas on candy cane lane!. Today we had a field trip and we went to the church to sort hampers and there was groups of like 12 and i was sorting the food and after when i was done that i could sort pennies that are in groups of ten and the other group does wrapping paper. I feel really good inside to help others in our community. For book buddies we were reading winter books and we gave them a special note about the concert. In art we were making cards for our FAMILY THAT is birch trees. In SPIN club we have 31 bags for clean water in Africa and that’s lots of pennies!! we collected 265 pounds of food for our hamper. we sold out of the gift tags in the christmas concert. we raised $465.55 for a village in nicaragua! In french we are learning about christmas words. For prezi we did a science research project. I am doing Floods. In math we were correcting papers. Adding large numbers and multiplication snap game, i have played it before. we FINALLY got gym in the gym!!!
Nice TWAS Ty.
GREAT JOB Ty on your T.W.A.S!!
Nice twas Ty.
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