(This week at school)
This week at school we had editing practice. I have finished all of my editing. I think that it was fun. We also started a new Novel in Novel Study. This time, we aren’t in an entire classroom group. Ms. Wasney put us in 3 different book groups, yet, one of them people got to pick which book to read. The books that kids didn’t get to pick are Super dog and Math Rashes. The group where people got to pick, (Which is where I was put, just as a heads up) their choices were Kensuke’s Kingdom (The book I’m reading) and Fortress of Kaspar Snit. We had a Multiplication math test. Multiplication is not the best subject in the world, but I’m getting used to it pretty fast. We started division. We haven’t started fractions yet, but for now we’re just doing “There are 15 fleas and 5 fleas on each dog. How many dogs are there?” We did science. The grade 3’s are learning about structures and strong materials. We had to make a bridge that holds a stress ball pig thingy-ma-jig. The grade 4’s are learning about habitats, But I’m not in that grade. This week we had TWO fire drills. One was today and the other was on either Monday or Tuesday. We visited the grade 2/3 travel fair project. They were all really good. Today was hot lunch. It was subway. I don’t really like subway, so I just got Ketchup chips and a fruit roll up. Today we had roof top photo. Thank GOSH we weren’t facing the sun like last year. Last year, the sun was facing the direction that we were supposed to be looking, so it hurt our eyes. We had gym. In gym, we played Pac-Man. We also had music. In music, we are doing this song called “Somewhere over the rainbow” for the parent volunteers.
Words: 322 Font used: Kristen ITC
Wow... Smiles too big.
Noah XD
dear ms.wasney noah has been typing lots and today has been the most.
dear noah keep up the good work.
signed felicia.
may 18 2012.
It was soooooooooooo fun playing on the bongos.
by carter
WOW NOAH!! You did awesome!!!!!!
Chelsea XD
wow, you wrote a lot
WOW thats ALOT of typing!!!!
Dear Noah you wrote a lot in your twas. I like how put how many words you had and I like how you also put the font and The name of your font.
good job noah
that is alot of writing. I like that font, too.
By Robbie
WOW Noah nice TWAS
Sounds like you had an interesting week.
- Ashleigh
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