We spent lots of time this week working towards launching our online blogs with Kidblog! The students worked so hard on their paper blogs and then we spent some time leaving quality comments for one another. On Thursday, the students were able to create their first post online! I sent home a letter for parents with a code so that you can join our class and follow along. The link to Kidblog can be found on the right-hand side in our "gadgets" section. --------->
Here is Maddox's TWAS from Kidblog:
on Monday we started are paper blogs my was called Manitoba Maddox I made lines that looked like loose leaf, for my gadgets I drew a QR code and a quote by Wayne Gretzky I also did how much veiwers I had it was fake. Though for the backround I did sport balls or what ever they used in the sport, and rainbow in the backround.
on Tuesday we got assessed in gym on paddle ball we played games against each other I played against kody, Ayanna, and Ryann. it was fun to play and I played against ms rand my squad is the red squad they're are 6 people in the red squad Reese is in the red squad were never together.
on Wednesday we commented on other people blogs I got eight comments, and I commented on 6 people I pretty sure. when I got the comments it made me feel good about my paper blog. I'm not that good at drawing it was probably the best drawing I've ever drew hooray!
on Thursday we did are first post on the laptops mine was like 3-2-1 sharing you typed 3 fun facts I can only remember I play summer hockey, 2 things you aren't a fan of I typed music class and spicy food, and for one it was the thing you want to be when your older I want to be a NHL player that makes millions of dollars
on Friday we had class meeting first we played as the wind blows I was In the middle 1 time and I said who likes unicorns like 8 people stood up and we to a different chair but you only stand up if you like the same thing. but for the class meeting you said what you were excited for I said going away for my moms birthday and I just passed for concerns and then we had the most problems ever so then we tried to solve them and then the END