For a 4 day week, we've sure been busy! We started off the week by attending "I Love to Read LIVE" at the Burton Cummings theatre on Tuesday. The event was hosted by Virgin 103.1 and Manitoba Teachers Society. All the Winnipeg sports team mascots were there and Winnipeg mayor, Brian Bowman read to us. Local singer/songwriter Fred Penner sang "The Cat came Back" to us. It was so fun . . . and LOUD!
Here is Jaylinn's TWAS from Kidblog:
on Monday there was no school but I do not no what I did I forgot.
on Tuesday we want on a flied trip to I LOVE TO READ LIVE IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! there was singing, dancing, and all fun stuff like that and when we got back we had to calm down and read for 25:00 min so it was ok
on Thursday we had a math quiz I got a 4 YAY!!!!!!! we also did music some people in our class where not done the recorder test so me and faith were doing a word search.
on Friday we did a class meeting and we played as the wind blows it is a really fun game to play. we also had gym it was a guest teacher and it was stations.
by jaylinn BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wear a Readable Shirt on Wednesday! |