I think attending WE Day Manitoba is by far one of my favourite teaching days of the year! It is so inspiring to attend the event with 16 000 "change making" youth from across the province! The purpose is to kick start our year of campaigns in association with Free the Children. Mrs. Tresoor, Mrs. Dyck and I took 26 Grade 5 SPIN Club members to the MTS Centre yesterday. When we returned to school, we reflected on the day. Here are thoughts from some students:
At WE Day, the
person that inspired me was Spencer West because he said lots of different
stuff that all meant: No matter how old
you are or what you can’t do, that YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. All the other
stuff that made me feel good was all the people willing to make a change to the
whole world.
The other thing
that inspired me was when people waved their phones. It looked like I was in
space. It also looked like they weren’t phones floating in mid air . . . they
represented sparks of ideas. –
Today was an inspiring Monday.
WE Day changed my life. Out of everything, and I mean everything, my favourite
presenter was Liz Trinnear. She has such a great message to the world in 2
words: imagination and engineering . . . Imagineering.
- Rebecca
Craig Kielburger and his
brother Marc spoke into my heart by talking about how to change the world. JR
Martinez inspired me by telling us his story. His friends worried about him, so
when he was recovered he worried so much for them. - Cory
I think my favourite part
of WE Day was when Henry Winkler and Marlee Matlin came on stage! Marlee Matlin
did sign-language and said “believe in
yourself” because people told her she couldn’t succeed in life, but she
did! - Sierra
I was inspired
by Elliot because he’s not much older than me and involved. The same thing that
he did, I’d like to do. - Donavan